Thursday, January 21, 2010

No privacy

So.. my mom knows my blog and she has been reading silently. Oh well, it's not like I update often but now that I know she READS it, I don't feel like updating anymore eventhough I feel like blogging. I guess I'll just blog more in this blog :)

I realized my love for DBSK. There's currently a project organized by Cassiopeia to collect donations and the donations will be given to the Haiti earthquake victims under DBSK's name. I feel like participating, like actually organize the donation here in Edmonton. I'm not sure yet though, I'll see how it goes.

I love my freedom!!!! It's so different here. Eventhough I'm having my midterms right now but it's like I get to go anywhere I like. Not like back home, need to go back home right after exams, cannot hang out longer. Yesterday me and friends went to the library to study but we faillll lol we didn't study at all. But that's okay cause I actually expected it already. Anyway it was fun, you know, walking around without any naggings from parents. Why isn't Malaysia this safe? Why doesn't Malaysia have such good transportation? You can only move around in Malaysia with a car.. but here it's enough to get a bus pass. We always want to get our driver's license right but here.. it's like nobody's even that bothered to study for it lol.

Eventhough Malaysia's my home, but I actually like it here better.

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